Friday, March 25, 2011

Genetic Engineering

What a wonderful concept, to manipulate the basic building blocks of life to improve nutrition, make medicines, make people healthier!  Unfortunately none of these things is being done.  The only genetically engineered crop plants are plants which tolerate higher levels of herbicide.  This sells more herbicide as higher levels are applied and leaves higher levels of toxic residue in the food WHICH YOU EAT.  Didn't want that little ancillary conclusion to slip by you.

We don't need genetic engineering to increase nutrition and truthfully it will NOT work.  Why?  Because your body needs a huge, diverse array of nutrients each day.  Oxygen is the most necessary - hold your breath and try to tell me different when you are done - and the average person uses 35 pounds/day.  There are major minerals and trace minerals.  Major minerals are those like Calcium which have over 600 known biological functions in the body and are needed in relatively large amounts.  The trace minerals are needed in small amounts although large amounts can be toxic.  An example would be selenium; a study examined over 200 bodies that died from myocardial infarction (heart attack) and found that every single body had a selenium deficiency.  Similarly copper;  a similar study studied victims of stroke and found that every single body had a copper deficiency.  Copper makes the blood vessels elastic so they expand under increased pressure instead of blowing and damaging the brain.  Both of these trace minerals are toxic in large amounts.

We can theoretically engineer plants to be loaded with vitamins, enzymes and other good aspects of living food.  The problem is that if you don't have any selenium in your soil, if your growing medium has no calcium, you will not obtain any of these items through eating them, and in fact every vitamin, enzyme, or healthy biological function requiring missing minerals will fail.  The plant may survive.  It may even look green and healthy.  But it will be more tempting to bugs which tend to prey on sickly plants.  It will not fulfill your biochemical and nutritional needs.

We don't want medicines in our foods.  Do you want to take prozac with every bite of lettuce?  Oops, you had a potato and it is having a horrible medicinal synergy with your carrots, you die.  Or you are constantly being forced to take medicines which you may not need or almost certainly  are harmful to you.

Now pretend that Barney is in the lab working on the latest project.  He is developing a flower and he wants the purest colors he can attain in the petals, stamen, pistils and calyx.  The appropriate enzyme is injected and the sequence he wants is removed.  Next he injects the "desired dna strand" .  Unfortunately this (according to the last time i'd studied the process) is a crap shoot.  A group of dna is injected which includes but is not limited to only the theoretically desired sequence, and something grabs hold.  (or not?)

Barney doesn't know it, but he just made a dna sequence which makes the cell reject chlorophyll.  No more green to muddy the colors!  Hallelujah, science has again worked a miracle!  Yeah, and that simple flower goes out and the Chlorophyll killer dna starts spreading.  Quickly, and the planet is dead within six months.  Slowly and it may take years.  Our oceanic algae dies out killing the krill.  No fish food.  No whale food.  No fish, no crabs, no ocean life.  The trees die off.  The grasses are gone and the little bunnies that eat them.  The livestock which used to make up your primary protein source.  No lettuce or radicchio.  Soon there is not even enough plant material rotting to feed the mushrooms but long before that happens people are dead.

Oh, there are a dozen in the biosphere and in quickly constructed biospheres around the world wherever one could put one together, but the seals will fail.  The windows will crack.  The framing will corrode or rot.  and not one has enough plant diversity to re-establish life on the planet.  Goodbye.

Brave New World

Since i last wrote the tsunami has devastated Japan.  The Tunisians, Egyptians, Lybians and other Arabic people are rebelling against their strong-arm leadership, and many Americans are implying that we need to do the same.

So let's start a new revolution.  This revolution has to be unlike any revolution before.  The Russian Revolution which put Lenin in charge was financed by Loeb and Sons, a bank.  When the state took control the person's who ran the businesses had no competition and a select few people got ridiculously wealthy along with their political face-pieces.

The Greatest Generation fought the Second World War and dropped us into the Cold War.  This is where the Greatest Generation screwed up:  they made the world subservient to corporate rule.  This has left us in the present state where the businesses, the largest, wealthiest, and most corrupt, have bought the votes of congressmen and senators.  Through revolving door policies they populate the regulatory agencies which support the industry they are supposed to protect us from.  They are literally killing the environment, people, and hope.

As a result we need to be wiser in this new revolution.  Instead of creating mayhem in the government or doing stupid things like assassination (notice it is an ass twice), what we need to do is to dismantle the people in the largest corporations who are pulling the strings and making our "public servants" dance to the corporate tune.  Yes, our senators, congressmen, and all the administrations whether dems or repubs are foolish, unwise, stupid, and harmful; even dangerous. 

It is the superwealthy who need to be taken down.  It is the stockholder wealthy enough to make decisions which line their accounts at the expense of the greater good.  Cynical wealthy will ask how to define the common good as they muddy waters, try to divide and dilute anger and action, and attempt to maintain the status quo.  The common good is NOT a simple thing.  However we can easily see some things are not in the best interests of most people on the planet but only in the financial interests of a wealthy few.

Things like genetic engineering of plants.  Things like nuclear power.  Things like toxic chemicals being applied to foods (real clever just looking at it from that standpoint) which then wash down the rivers, drain into the oceans, and kill off algae which is the primary planetary oxygenator.  This and the other toxic spills are why the planet is literally missing more than a third of it's oxygen.  You need oxygen.  The only way to make oxygen is from plants.  There are methods of concentrating oxygen, and technically one could make oxygen sans photosynthesis by electrolytically separating the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water.  Practically speaking that would leave massive amounts of explosives in the wherever while still having the separated particles combine back into water relatively quickly.  Not a viable planetary oxygenation solution.

Next;  Genetic Engineering.

Then;  Nuclear Power

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Coming Revolution?

Well, i am not shy about pushing people's buttons on the economy and political scene, and something interesting has happened in the last two weeks.  It is not that people are disgusted with the "leadership"  and the wealthy.  It is not that they feel inadequately represented in gov't.  People have consistently felt this for as long as i'd asked them questions reflecting their opinions and feelings since the economy was shot by the wealthy and their idiot lap-dogs in the legislatures of nation and state.

 It doesn't matter if the person asked is republican, democrat, or otherwise.  No one trusts gov't. and no one feels hopeful about their future.  People don't believe in the old American Dream, or the new subverted american dream - to be rich no matter how many have to be hurt to get you there.

What is vastly different is that in the last couple of weeks, basically since the news has talked about the unrest in the muslim world and the revolutions in Libya, Egypt, and the middle east, people have been saying things like; "someone needs to burn down the homes of the oil executives.", or several variations on the theme of  "we are not going to take this much longer."

That is a huge change.  People of the upstanding middle class are mad.  They are seeing the futility of getting an appropriate response from our gov't., and they are seeing the possibility of an uprising against the injustice that is now prevalent in America, the U.S.

Wake up, big boys.  It doesn't matter if you are a trillionaire; if a farmer doesn't sell you your food you will starve.  Perhaps rightly so.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Are you programmed yet?

Now we all know that it would be rude to question the validity of the direction we are all being herded now regarding violent talk.  Forget the fact that since the Tragedy in Tucson, there have been many murders.  Not with as public a figure.  Not with as many people, but "small" tragedies nonetheless.  These have no coverage.

Why do we have to refrain from being angry at our congresspersons when they damage our life and country?  i think there is almost an inherent obligation to let them know that they are stepping out the wrong direction.  They don't change when i write them a letter or email.  What can i do to get their attention?  It would be great to be on a talk radio show and have this different twist on the political situation.  It would be great to be on TV and get the public exposed to a view point which is different from the standard pablum. 

Right now the pablum line is that our leaders deserve more protection than we do.  Our legislators need to be more safe than you or i.  We, the little people, should not get angry at our legislators when they do things that damage our lives.  Why shouldn't we?  i really don't understand why not.  i have no intention of going to a meeting with them and beating the cra_ out of them.  That would be too much work.  (loads of cra_ in a politico)  Do they really expect us to just let them run over us and our dreams?  Our country?  Our lives.  We are continuously herded into smaller and smaller circles.  We continually have more rules, regulations, and laws constraining our every move.

Our private property is not our private property anymore.  Why do i need to have every aspect of every action on my property regulated, licensed, and permitted to allow me to pay these insatiable regulators and legislators more and more of my piddling income?  You legislators have already destroyed the economy and especially my job in the building trades.  Now you smoking idiots are trying to make the children of illegal aliens legal citizens of the United States of America.  This will make a huge block of voters who are literally trying to change the U.S into a wholly controlled subsidiary of Mexico.  This is inimical to the interests of the vast majority of both U.S. and Mexican citizens. 

Picture this:  20 million children of illegal alien Mexican citizens have to go to Mexico where they don't know Tio Julio.  They already have a nice free education and a lot of assimilated American trends and values.  Do you think they will not make a concerted change in the Mexican culture?  If they already have the taste for the "American lifestyle",  will they not start working toward reaching that in their own country?  Will they tolerate the crooked politicians and entrenched party system there as it is?  It would seem that they would change the landscape of Mexico and create jobs and opportunities there which would trickle throughout their country.

Like we used to do here before the corporate idiots screwed everything up and sold America to China and the sweatshops.  When the United States manufactured items, we were a booming, basically content country.  Our people had hope.  One could work for a corporation and know that when they retired they  would be rewarded for all those years of work.  Now instead of realizing that workers are vital to anything you want or need done, the corporate "leaders" treat the workers as the enemy.

Without the worker there would be nothing for the wealthy people.  Literally nothing.  Assume a corporation exists which makes some electronic components.  In order to make these components they need a protected space in which to do their work.  This building will require skilled tradesmen to build it. and if you want it done right keep the illegal aliens off of the job.  These workers will need to use materials processed by other workers at other facilities.  The tools to build these other facilities  and the tools to build your facility will need workers  to build those tools.  Heavy equipment operators to mine, smelt, machine, forge and assemble the minerals to build their equipment.  These new buildings will assemble electronic components for our hypothetical corporation.

That will require the workers to make the materials that will be required to extract and process petrochemicals for your circuit boards and plastic component parts.  It will need the workers who transport the materials to your plant.  It will require workers in your plant to assemble your purchased and/or manufactured components.  It will require workers throughout the country and perhaps the world to purchase your product with their own wages. 

This is where the stupidity of those in charge of American economic policy and corporations are so patently stupid.  When they take the job and benefits away from the American worker he no longer can purchase your product.  Now you have to make your product cheaper, not only because you have a weaker market because corporate America wants to minimize the wage of the populace, but also because in your insane greed every cent that is possible to divert goes to stockholders and especially management.  The most useless appendage in the whole stream of work.  Now your manufacturing process is dated and inefficient because you didn't invest in the future due to your greed.

Are your $3.00/day chinese workers going to be able to afford your product?  You screwed the American worker out of his former $20/hr and he can no longer afford your product.  Do you expect a person who earns 37.5 cents/hr to buy that product?  Try to make something idiot proof and they just build a better idiot.  Then they let them run the management of corporations.

Obviously without a well paid worker there is no market to earn income for these rich idiots.  They have no free money to buy your product?  It won't sell.  You won't get money from them.  Other corporate idiots screw up the jobs of other Americans.  Not only has your market shrunk again, but now you may not be able to buy what you need or want.  Hmmmm.  It only gets worse from there.  Yes, right now at this conjunction of Third world growth and Americans still having a little income, you are able to exploit the cheap labor and still have enough of a market to sell to and sustain a profit for a little time.  Soon, however . . . .

Sunday, January 9, 2011

crazy in tucson?

It would seem that any rational person would feel that the killing and wounding all those persons in Tucson Az. is quite abhorrent.  Look at the pain and suffering for all those innocent persons.  That is hugely disturbing.

i originally wrote this blog when only a little information was available about the perpetrator.  Now we know he is as crazy as a loon.  Initially this was not known.  Now we know he is basically apolitical (excepting his currency preoccupuation and bizarrre wording of his thought process.  He is assuming that we are following his thought process but it is clear that he has leaps of understanding which are not immediately apparent to most of us.  Sometimes it seems that he is communicating by gestalt more than coherent expression.

The Sheriff in that area started off stating that he believed that the vitriolic nature of our current political process has stimulated this outrage.  Obviously wrong as we now know that the killer didn't listen to news or talk radio and basically seems totally unmotivated by this stated causation.

This is what is so frustrating to some people, and dare i say angering in this emotional climate?  First of all it is hardly mentioned that there were stimulants and mind altering chemicals involved in this man's life.  We don't know whether or not he was in an altered state at the time of the attack, but we know he used alcohol and drugs.  Other massacres and horrible attacks are perpetrated by people using mind altering substances.  Columbine.  The high school student in Kentucky supposedly.  These people were taking pharmaceutical substances - in fact 60% of the planned and executed school attacks were carried out by children on some sort of psychoactive pharmaceutical substance, whether it was Paxil, Ritalin, Prozac or some other poison.

Then second thing that is frustrating and stupid is the reaction of the government officials.  Despite the fact that this is not the first such tragedy and may not be the last, it is unique only in that the victims were of high government rank and her entourage along with some truly unfortunate people she was trying to communicate with.  Now i accept that Gabbi was an exceptional person but does she truly deserve this instant sainthood that is being draped over her?  Probably not.  She is quite likely human and has her share of flaws like the rest of us.  But look at the total fear the congress is displaying!  Instant bills to make it illegal to carry a firearm within one thousand yards of a congress person (or senator?) under severe penalty.  We have had how many congressional and senatorial members over our centuries of being a country and now we have one shot?  Now the coward wants to make a law to protect his ___. 

What about the citizens.  Of course we don't rate anywhere near the care and maintenance that the politicians do so why should i expect that i have the same safeties and protections for me and my loved ones, my neighbors and friends.  No, only the politicos get this unequal protection.  Why?  Because you and i can't pass legislation, silly.   What were we thinking?  We can't vote ourselves the legal practice of insider trading like they did.  We can't vote ourselves pay raises as they continually do.  We cannot give our selves lifetime health care and deny it to everybody else.  No,  All animals are, but pigs are more equal,  and obviously the legislators are our American pigs in our American Animal Farm.  (George Orwell.)

 Our American society now in the early year 2011 a.d. is quite stupid, unwise, and teetering on the brink of radical change.  Hopefully it will be an evolution instead of the pain and violence of a revolution but change is coming.  Soon.

Now in the first news it was mentioned that the perpetrator is a homegrown terrorist like the man in Texas last year who killed himself by flying his plane into the IRS building.  How can the talking heads and politicians fail to realize that many people see through their whoring of themselves to interests inimical to the american people and that some of these people are pushed to a point where they can find such violent actions to be what they perceive as their best or only option?  How can congress look on this woman as a saint and not even bother to look at the pain and legitimate anger that so many of us betrayed, true Americans feel.  Obviously including this man.  I say true American because that implies that the congress, senate, and "leadership" of this country have sold out the American Dream, the American people, and the American country to the highest bidder therefore invalidating their claim to be members of American society.

It was briefly mentioned that this may be the mark of people who believe in conspiracy theory, but tell me what is more likely.  Is it more likely that our "leaders" continue to sell their votes to corporations and consistently increase corporate power and rights (to the point that corporations now have virtually every right you as a human being have) while taking your rights away.  If a corporation or it's officers harms you, you have few options for redress, and these are getting whittled away continuously.  Okay, let's call it a conspiracy of people selling out my interests to corporation for their personal reimbursement and benefit.  This is done by  congressmen and senators for literally over sixty years of this activity.

Is it more reasonable to expect that these people continue this horrendous behavior for six plus decades or to acknowledge that we the people  continually elect people who share the same behavioral expressions of stupidity.

Either they are hurting their constituents because of their stupidity (oh duh . . .  I'm supposed to HELP them?)  or they find it in their financial interest to continue the same behavior politician after politician, year after year, rape of the citizen by every little and large rape.  While i can in NO WAY condone the actions of the young man who shot the congresswoman and the innocent surrounding her, it is not at all difficult to understand that something may have triggered massive anger at the symbol of our government - the greatest present enemy of the american people.

To sum up this post.  Our government is now basically telling us we have to be repressed and calm.  Be peaceful and gentle.  Will this motivate our sorry legislators to stop selling us out?  To stop abusing their trust?  To truly be a servant of their general constituency?  They have sold out.  They hurt us.  They cannot avoid angering intelligent people who become aware of their duplicity, greed, and dishonesty.  Of course they want us all quiet.  Probably sedated. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

It is about 6:30 Christmas morning and the house of adults is waking up.  Bustling is the theme as a warm wind blows outside.  I do appreciate the reason for the season, and this is why.

Ideally, Christmas is a loving time.  A time of giving and sharing.  When you are poor as i am this season perhaps all you can give is your time to (in my case) do home repairs and remodels.  Others may be able to baby sit or do something else that is hopefully meaningful in their loved ones lives.

I accept that Jesus is the reason for the season because of the simple fact that many "pagan" beliefs and rituals were borrowed to form what we today call Christmas.  Santa Claus is a combination of the Dutch Sinter Klaas, and St. Nicholas - who had a sort of demon following him to deal with the bad children.  We know Jesus was not born on December the 25th or it's equivalent.  That was political expediency in the days of the early church when they decided not to rock the boat of the Roman's.  They changed the Sabbath (remember it and keep it holy) from Saturday as the Jews continue to follow, to Sunday.  They also started celebrating Jesus birth on the 25th of December which was the Roman holiday of Saturnalia.

We also know that Mary was not a sexual virgin but a young woman.  The intentional mistranslation from the Alexandria Codex of the early NT was keeping up with the neighbors.  That is how Krishna, and several other divinities were born, so early attempts to make Jesus the "only begotten Son  of God" needed to meet the ante as it were.

Yet despite this mishmash of ideas influences, (lighted coniferous trees from pagan Germanic celebrations) and the pressures of crass commercialization, we still find a way to love and care for each other in this season regardless of our understandings regarding the preceding items.

So this to wish anyone who reads this now or in the future a happy and blessed Christmas season, and a wish that their new year will be a better year for you in whichever way is significant for you.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The other Idiots in government

Whether one is one party or the other two things at least, should be self evident.  One item is that any party wants you to drop some of your ideas to accomodate their agenda.  The second item is that no single party has an exclusive grasp of good ideas, bad ideas, morality or lack thereof, etc.

As you probably know the fools in congress and senate have voted theirselves the legal ability to indulge in insider trading.  Thus when the FDA or USDA for example approve or disprove some substance these amoral people use their knowledge to increase their personal income.  The problem is vastly deeper than just personal greed however.  This activity makes these lawmakers ALWAYS give the corporation precedence over your interests.  They may choose not to vote against every bill that may help you, but in large, they will vote for the corporation.

Perhaps i should have titled this installment "Why the U.S. is inevitably going to fail in the next two years and the world will also do so."  I am not an economist and therefore not under the illusion that i understand what is happening in the world economic arena.  The reason an economist doesn't have a grasp of the economy is that his training is totally flawed.  The markets are controlled by the super wealthy and economic theory ignores their control of the money.  Two percent of the population which controls the 96% of the world's economy. Note that word control.  It is not my line, it is the official line.

If they want the housing market to crash then regulations are put in place, advertisements are presented and the sheeple follow into the pen.  What is the benefit of the crash?  The entire economy becomes a buyer's market.  The billionaires now have picked up companies on the cheap.  The working population has become desperate for work so are now not going to demand a fair wage.  Many will not insist on the whole spectrum of benefits.  Kaching.

Let's look at the wealth of the world.  The super rich people have their money because they control money and leverage deals, laws, regulations and whatever they can to maximize their personal profit at the expense of the worker.  Some say that is the free market.  Let's use a hypothetical example to show where people have lost track of the reality of wealth.  Assume that this group of super wealthy have made much of their money from a group of technical objects and the knowledge and industry to support them.  Something like cars, or computers, papers or chemicals.  All of these substances must be manufactured from raw materials.  All of the materials must be removed from the earth or harvested from biota.  Not one person on the planet has placed these materials on the planet.  It starts out as a planetary resource.  So how does one person to the exclusion of billions of other people deserve virtually all of the wealth that derives from that resource?  I see no logical explanation.

Next realize that worker bees like you and i have the job of pulling out the materials.  We, the working man and woman, transport, process, transport, design, manufacture, transport, sell, maintain, etc.  We the people of the world in essence have had stolen a common property gifted by the planet, we have placed every bit of value on the product throughout every step of the process, and then (drum roll) we, the common person, purchase the product for our personal benefit.  At no stage in the process did the billionaire do any actual work.  They did not purchase _____ number of units which brought the wealth and value into the company.  Now they may have financed the means to get this product rolling through the process, but does that entitle them to 98% of the wealth (and power which wealth represents) when you and i have done over 99% of the work with the gift of planetary material?

Believe it or not, i am not advocating communism.  i am looking at a big picture here and saying something is drastically wrong.  Someone smarter than i will have to figure out where the fair compensation for work and financing should lie, but it is more likely that in a system that is forced to go through change, a sense of values which are not easy to articulate would form .

Now what do we know about the incredibly wealthy?  Little.  We do know that in the U.S. where the Jewish population makes up less than 10% of the general populace, approximately two thirds of the billionaires are Jewish.  Is this a cultural thing?  Is this a support group?  I do know that while colleges were having to recruit students based on population percentages that Harvard was attacked by a Jewish group for cutting it's percentage of Jewish freshmen and accused of being anti-semitic.  Somehow nobody understood reality and was able to point out that the number of Jewish freshmen being admitted was higher than the general population percentile of their race.  Since money talks and leverage moves things, the freshman class that year was made up of about 30% Jewish people.

Now had the Hispanic community tried anything like that there would have been an incredible amount of screaming about how the Jewish people were being discriminated against.  We do not hear the anti-defamation league screaming about how the Jewish people have been discriminated for.  I don't know how to make this last bit sound non-racist.  Do i have anything against any race?  No.  We all have our percentage of jerks and heroes.  Do i believe that a huge percentage of any one race controlling huge portions of wealth (and therefore everybody's lives) is coincidental?  Of course not.  Conspiracy theory is one thing, but when (for example) the same political mistakes are made for over 70 years to benefit one segment of the population, perhaps there is something going on since it would be mathematically improbable to not have random benefit and non-benefit activity if something were not controlling the political outcome.

It has to be asked, if there were not such a huge percentage of Jewish billionaires in this country would we be supporting Israel the way we do?  Personally i do not see Lebanon and Syria walling off portions of other countries and destroying local living conditions.  I do not see Arabia and Egypt taking tanks and running over the houses of people where an enemy may have hidden from line of sight of my soldiers.  Why not run over the evil trees, bushes, and ditches where enemy may hide?  Because that would not cause hardship on the population whose land you are trying to steal and would not intimidate them.

Yes, this is a harsh assessment, but the things i see are harsh.  Which Middle East country has nukes, wmd's and has invaded other countries multiple times, occupies another country's land, and claims the moral high ground?  It looks like the biggest terrorist state in the world, now that George Bubbleyou Douche is no longer running us into personal wars.

Gotta stop for a bit.  Just so painful, the idiocy of our world because of the leaders we have chosen.  It is truly frightening to believe that this is our karma.